Most intense positivity in Glomeruli of Granule cell layer.
Also neuropil of Molecular layer ( Purkinje cell processes are negatively demonstrated).
Nuclei of Auerbach’s and Meissner’s nerve plexuses are positive.
( only Auerbach’s shown)
Nuclei of cells within Auebach’s/Meissner’s plexuses are positive.
Positive nuclei found only in cells of both nerve plexuses ( Meissner’s and Auerbach’s).
In adult rat and mouse brains, nerve fibres have a moderate positivity ( or because the ab reagent should be much further diluted). Oligodendrocytes appear to be the only cells with positive nuclei.
Developing trigeminal ganglion and associated afferent/efferent nerves.
Positive nuclei in the nerves must be of Schwann cells.
In the ganglion it appears to be only Satellite cell nuclei.
T/S small intestine.
Positive nuclei seen only in cells of Auerbach’s nerve plexus
Positive nuclei are not seen in the retina but, only lining cells of the choroid ( lamina basalis?).
Developing adrenal gland. Positive nuclei confined to medullary regions.
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