Mucosal epithelium shows strong membrane positivity.
Spinal cord region showing strong positivity in floor plate and membranes of ganglion cells of DRG.
A moderate positivity is seen in grey and white matter.
Low power showing membraneous positivity in developing oesophagus, aorta, trachea, lung bronchial tree, vagus nerves and myocardium.
Ab should be further diluted ( I used 1/2K).
Intense cytoplasmic positivity in ganglion cells of Auerbach’s plexus ( also Meissner’s…not shown).
Is this specific?
? Purkinje cell positivity?
These membrane-positive cells are not sub-endocardial.
Subendocardial Purkinje cells show strong membraneous positivity.
Myocyte positivity is said to be confined to intercalated disc but, I am not so sure ( or the ab reagent is non-specific??)
Intercalated disc positivity.
Not sure of the tissue.
Be grateful for elucidation.
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