[Histonet] immunocytochemistry anti-gfp protocols

From:Flavia Danielski

I would be really glad if you could help me with
immunocytochemistry anti-gfp... I have no idea what
kind of fixative should I use in order to avoid
"problems" with gfp detection... we have mnAB
(Molecular Probes) and our intention is to detect GFP
from our cell cultures (monolayers).
Thank you very much and once again sorry for my bad
greetings from Brazil

Flávia Helena da Silva
Lab. de Imunogenética, Depto. de Genética, UFRGS 
Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 prédio 43323/lab 212C
Bairro Agronomia.
phone: 0055-(51)33166737

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