RE: Staining cells
SeonaCherie and interested others:
I have procedures for all but Masson's on dishes. In general you can
stain cells as you would sections but keep in mind a few things: After you
have removed the media from the cells allow them to air dry completely before
fixation. Apply the fixative gently from a pipette using half the volume of the
well (e.g. 12 well plate each well generally holds 2 mL of media, so you can
apply 1 mL of fixative). After they have fixed (usually 15 - 30 minutes at room
temp is sufficient), dump the fixative off the dishes, rinse by immersion
in a shallow container that is being filled with gently running water. The only
way I know how to do this is one dish at a time. Allow the plates to air dry
before staining.
I can fax, mail or email the procedures to you. Your call. Let me know.
Donna Montague
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Departments of
Physiology & Orthopaedic Surgery
4301 W. Markham St. # 505
Rock, AR 72205
(501) 603-1239
Does anyone out there have a procedure for staining
cultured cells in the culture dish? We will be doing an Alizrin Red, an O Red
O, Masson Trichrome and Alkaline Phosphotase.
Thank you,
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