Glucose Oxidase Block Procedure...

From:Nina Malja

If you are reffering to's: 
"So for bone marrows, we now use glucose oxidase blocking always and it
works like a gem. This protocol was suggested to me by Gayle Callis on
Histonet and it is great!!! I would be glad to send you what she sent me or
I can send you her e-mail directly if you are interested." - I still haven't
recieved anything... Andrea, are you out there?? :-)

Nina Malja

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-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: []
Sendt: 20. februar 2002 00:48
Emne: Re: Still problems with our DAB peroxidase staining + Our

Could you post the Glucose Oxidase Block Procedure on the site?

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