RE: Grossing labs outside the hospital

From:Bruce Gapinski

We've been doing that for years.
1) Make sure all the HT meet CLIA 88 standards for "high complexity testing" and document it.
2) Have the Pathologists that you work for make a list of which specimens you are allowed to gross.
3 Make a grossing manual that spell out how to gross each of those specimens.
4) Make a gross evaluation sheet for each histologist and have a Pathologist record an evaluation of that persons grossing.
Bruce (I am not a rep) Gapinski HT (ASCP)
-----Original Message-----
From: Histology, Metro Lab []
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:04 AM
To: histonet posting address
Subject: Grossing labs outside the hospital

We are a private lab that has the histology department located off site of the hospital.  We start at the lab in the AM and go to two seperate hospitals that each have two campuses each, cut frozen section, ship specimens and with assist the grossing at two of the four sites.
We have now decided to move the grossing lab out of the hospital sites and into the private lab.  Is there anyone out there that is doing this?  Can you give us some advice or suggestion of what to do and what not to do?   So far we are planning to staff the hospitals with lab aides to do frozen sections and to send the tissues to the lab. 
Metro labs
Davenport, Iowa

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