[Histonet] Inking of same type specimens

From:"Lester Raff"

Are any of you following the trend of inking cores from similar types
cases with different colors to prevent misidentification?  For example,
prostate biopsies from patient A are inked green, prostate biopsies from
patient B inked red, prostate biopsies from patient C inked blue, and
then back to green for prostate patient D.


If anyone is doing this:

1.	How long have you been doing it
2.	Does it significantly impact grossing time
3.	What method are you using for inking (the little dropper
bottles, big bottles with disposable pipettes, other)
4.	Are you diluting the ink
5.	Does it make a mess
6.	Have you found it worthwhile




Lester J. Raff, MD
Medical Director
UroPartners, LLC Laboratory

2225 Enterprise Dr. Suite 2511

Westchester, IL 60154

ph:  708-486-0076
fax: 708-486-0080


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